
Conscious Mastermind Community for Ascension

An Intuitive MasterVault Membership for Spiritual Development

Have you ever dreamt about what it would feel like to wake up every morning to the reality you know is meant for you?

 Of having that same joie de vivre that all of your life inspirations seem to possess?

Daydreaming of what it would feel like to live such an exuberantly joyful life. Filling your mental playscape with laughter and adventure as your soul food, and love and passion as your soul’s medicine.  

That magic…something.

🌙What if I told you that you are not meant to have the same gifts and potential that anyone else you’ve ever experienced or been inspired by has?

It wasn’t long ago that it felt like this space of unwavering purpose was totally unascertainable. Forever on the prowl for the answer…the one with no name - just the feeling of longing, aching to be held one last time like a desperate lover.

…hungering for that one thing that would make it all worthwhile…

That would anchor me deeper into this dream life that swirls into existence within the blazing fire opal that is my mind's eye.

I know what it feels like to thirst for the taste of bliss. Hungry to feel fully intoxicated by the desire for fulfillment in all areas of life…

And still wonder what’s missing in being able to achieve that version of your grand vision that tugs at your soul for more.  

Spent my whole life grappling with the one thing that would save me  


Too off the cuff for society and was told to control my language. Too dynamic for the meek and mild and was told to practice self-control (shrinking).  Constant cycles of struggle and hardship and was told to control the big emotions to focus…⛈

White-knuckled no matter which way I turned. Invisible. Exhausted from being all that was not designed to be led by my magic.  

After MANY dark nights of the soul, many sleepless nights and so much wrestling with my fears… I feel myself expanding beyond the limitations of my mind.
Able to stay grounded.

In purpose, in passion, in refined power.


Another layer of knowing.

Deeper understanding.


Finally able to step fully into the power that rests in my spongey desert-dry bones.

 Magnetizing this vision, which has long since only been considered a dream, into a reality that fills me with the warm golden honey of purpose.  

Living in this glowing energy of complete knowing - not questioning.  

My nervous system releasing the last of the anxiety that tormented me into holding on so tightly.  

I can breath more deeply  

I feel safe

✨Just like you deserve to.

Your greatest purpose in this world is to live your most wildly expressed versions of love and joy and bliss in only the way that YOU can. We are not designed to experience life in the exact same way as another human or species on this planet.  

We are designed to take in information around us and use it to our benefit to fulfill the keen insights of our soul’s grandest vision.

Attracting in so much more than we can ever create on our own.  

To let go of control

And fully surrender into the expansion of co-creation that guides you to stand fully in the flames of your desire and call purpose by it’s name.  

Your Goddessey.

It is unfolding right now ✨✨✨

This is why I created a monthly membership for Lifestyle Abundance that I can't wait to share with you!

To help empower you to create this solidity.

This feeling of jubilation!

Because you deserve to live your most deliciously blissful life!

You are already the master alchemist of your reality, creating and folding your energy into form. And when you step into the embodiment of your unique energy you can better align yourself to the abundance you seek because you can NOW let go of control to gain THE ultimate control -  Your truest essence.

Introducing Goddessey🌘✨🍃

Where you can embolden and embrace the desire to claim true connection with your inner Goddess.

Armed with the willingness to weather the sea, we slice through Mindset and Manifestation with courageous conviction.

Diving deeper with adaptable strategies for creating the lifestyle of your desires!

In order to claim the connection with our inner self, we need only invest in solidity as we step through and into our future self.

Fully accepting our truth.


Goddessey is a monthly membership voyage into self-discovery for ascension.

An Intuitive Evolution Lifestyle Mastervault where I am giving away thousands of dollars of knowledge and content that I’ve created over the years that has helped me achieve the clarity and solidity needed to create my version of a deliciously blissful life.

 She is a living breathing entity of growth and impact.  

Designed to be a safe harbor for true expansion and reasonably priced at $111 per month, Goddessey contains 5+ sections spanning life and business aimed to help you uncover and develop the skillsets you seek to set your momentum ablaze.  

Unmasking purpose and passion as you dip your toes into the pool of desire with

🌙 Bi-monthly Moon charged Oracle Readings designed to assist you in the reciprocal flow of give and receive.  

🌱 Live channeled trainings streamed live into the private Facebook Group and pulled straight from my current quantum voyage + replays designed to help you channel Divine Energy used to propel your voyage.  

✨Monthly Momentum Challenges to help you increase health, wealth and abundance in your every day life.  Plus…

✨ Bonus access to my signature Momentum Framework for Quantum growth to help strengthen your new found passion.  

Have the waves of purpose been crashing against your soul?

🌊✨🌊 We’re going on a Goddessey.

Glimpse Other Voyages!


Kate is a multi-passionate mom of 5, often found playing with plants and Georgia, the family bulldog, in the hills of Tennessee!  

Way-makers since 2012 in advocating for a deliciously blissful life, Kate and her husband, Nathan, took the leap into entrepreneurship in 2018 excitedly opening their first local retail location aimed at providing healthier lifestyle alternatives to their community.  

A multi-business owner on a mission to become a leader in the rise of compassion worldwide, Kate is taking the online space by storm by uniquely combining mindset and strategy into actionable steps so that men and women alike can create the lifestyles and businesses of their dreams on their own terms.


Goddessey is filled with over 10 sections aimed to help you elevate your life, awareness of self and spirituality. Guides include segments in Spiritual modalities, such as the Law of Attraction and Human Design, Manifestation Practices, Health, Wealth, and overall Lifestyle Abundance.  You will also find Journal Prompts and Connection opportunities inside the community, such as live oracle pulls and masterclasses.

Absolutely! The resources within this membership are designed to help you dive deeper into purpose and passion and can be applied to both life and business. Inside you will find various guides that do not discriminate between your desires for fulfillment, with processes that assist with reaching your goals. 

Goddessey is intended for soul-led men and women who are ready to peel back the layers of self and expand more deeply into sovereignty by tapping into their dream visions for life and radicalizing transformation. Together we tap into mindful accountability and authentic expression to create a life we love to live. We are a group designed by Scholars of Self. You're authenticity and desire to grow are what matters most to us.

I would actually recommend that everyone come with a beginner's mindset - so you are more than ready just as you are! Goddessey is a non-discriminating community. We do our best to cultivate a community that is helpful, warm, inviting, and comfortable. It's my hope you always feel safe within this space, and if you do not, I ask that you bring it to my attention!

Course Pricing

  • Goddessey
  • $111 USD

    per month

    Intuitive Monthly Membership for a deliciously blissful life on your terms!

    Set Sail