The Process of Deliberate Creation

The Five Phases of Ascension Explained

Ding Dong! It's Intention...

Learning to apply the Laws of the Universe to your own growth can change your entire life. Meant to assist co-creation and bring about a shift in one's reality, these laws provide a universal foundation that with practice we can tap into so that we can attract our dream lives, FASTER.

This workbook was designed to help you move through the steps of attracting your dream life, by cultivating an understanding of the phases you move through during ascension.

Being able to recognize where you are along your journey puts you ahead of at least 80% of the population in deliberately living a life you love. With this workbook and just 15 minutes of dedicated time daily, you will be able to bend time to bounce back into flow state more easily and consistently so that you can maintain momentum while building your dream life. 

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Kate is a multi-passionate mom of 5, often found playing with plants and Georgia, the family bulldog, in the hills of Tennessee!  

Way-makers since 2012 in advocating for a deliciously blissful life, Kate and her husband, Nathan, took the leap into entrepreneurship in 2018 excitedly opening their first local retail location aimed at providing healthier lifestyle alternatives to their community.  

A multi-business owner, and certified Law of Attraction Spiritual Advisor, on a mission to become a leader in the rise of compassion worldwide, Kate is taking the online space by storm by uniquely combining mindset and strategy into actionable steps so that men and women alike can create the lifestyles and businesses of their dreams on their own terms.

Stephanie Barthelmes

I just want you to know I think you are an amazing human and I appreciate you being in my life helping me be a better human being. 

Lisa Latimer

Kate, you are the best at streamlining processes to collapse time!